If you’re a guest on someone’s Google WiFi, it’s important to remove the guest WiFi before you leave. This will prevent your device from connecting to the network and potentially causing problems. To remove a guest WiFi from your Google WiFi:
- Open the Google WiFi app and sign in.
- Scroll down and select " Guest Wi-Fi."
- Toggle the “Remove this guest wifi” checkbox to On.
- Click “Save.”
Open Google Wifi settings on Google Home or an Android phone
Tap Network & general info
Select Guest Wi-Fi network name and tap Remove
Tap Google Wifi Settings
– Open Guest Networks in the left menu on Google Home or an Android phone and tap Unlink network. This will disconnect that guest network from your Google Wifi device!
Tip: You can always find this article on Google by typing “remove a Google WIFI guest network” into the search bar at google.com. For more information about Google’s newest product, visit our blog for more helpful articles like how to set up parental controls on Google WiFi and other great topics related to technology!
How to remove a Google WIFI guest network
– Open Google Wifi settings on Google Home or an Android phone and tap Network & general info in the left menu
– Tap Google Wifi Settings and open Guest Networks in the left menu. The device will list any guest network you have created, if there are no networks to be found tap Add a new guest network at the bottom of this screen. Input a description for your Google WIFI home wireless connection (e.g., “Guest Wi-Fi”) then create a password for your guests by tapping Create Network Password . Google WIFI will generate a random password for you.