If you’re like most people, you probably check your phone more often than you’d like to admit. Whether it’s checking the weather, checking social media notifications, or just taking a quick look at your calendar, checking your phone constantly is the norm. But what if there was a way to see all of your phone contacts without having to open up the app? Instagram has made it possible! To see your phone contacts on Instagram, all you have to do is go to the “Contacts” section of the app and select “Add Contact.” Once you’ve added a contact, their information will be displayed in a list on the right side of the screen. You can also swipe left or right to view other contacts in your list. If you want to add a new contact but don’t have their number handy, you can search for them by name or keyword. And if you want to remove a contact from your list, just tap on their name and then select “Remove.” ..