WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. It has over 1 billion active users and continues to grow. But what if you don’t want your WhatsApp messages to be visible online? There are a few ways to do this. The first way is to turn off online status for your account. This will stop people from seeing when you’re online and available for chat, as well as any messages you’ve sent or received. However, this will also stop you from being able to see when people are online and available for chat too, so it’s not always the best option. The second way is to use a secret code. When you start a new conversation with someone, instead of typing their name into the chat box, type a secret code instead (for example, “jellyfish”). Then, when they reply to your message, they’ll need to copy the code into the chat box before they can continue chatting with you. This way, no one else can see your conversations with that person – only you and them. The third way is to use end-to-end encryption (E2EE). With E2EE enabled on your WhatsApp account, all of your messages are encrypted before they’re sent out and decrypted once they reach their destination. This means that no one – not even WhatsApp – can read them unless they have access to both the sender’s phone and the recipient’s phone simultaneously. However, E2EE does come with some disadvantages: firstly, it can take longer for messages to be sent and received due to the encryption process; secondly, it can make using WhatsApp more difficult if you need access to other people’s chats or photos (for example, if you’re part of a groupchat). ..