He claims that Russia plans to hit major Ukrainian cities and calls on Ukrainians to “take care of themselves” and leave their cities. Aleksandr Kots, a war correspondent for the Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda, wrote on Telegram that Ukraine’s “consistency” in the war was “zealous” and called on Russia to “hammer Ukraine into the 18th century, without an idle thought about how it will affect the civilian population.” Another war correspondent, Evgeny Poddubny, writing for state broadcaster RT, said no one in the Ukrainian leadership seemed to fear Russia anymore. “The enemy has ceased to be afraid and this circumstance must be rectified immediately,” he wrote on RT’s Telegram channel. “Commanders of formations, heads of intelligence services, politicians of the criminal regime of Kiev sleep soundly, wake up without a headache and in a good mood, without a sense of the inevitability of punishment for crimes committed.”