The health minister says they are making significant progress in most areas reducing the number of hours emergency departments in our medical facilities are closed. The temporary closure of ERs angered many over the summer, sparking protests and numerous complaints about the state of health care in Newfoundland and Labrador. Tom Osborne, who took over the portfolio, says that through a combination of recruitment and strategic planning, in some cases, they have reduced the number of closed hours to zero this month from dozens earlier in the summer. Bonavista was down to 60 hours in August and zero this month, Bonne Bay closed for 262 hours in August but only 72 in September, Baie Verte had 360 hours of closure in August but this was down to 72 in September. Meanwhile, emergency services are once again unavailable at US Memorial Health Center in St. Lawrence. Starting this morning at 8 am and lasting until 8 pm tomorrow, the health center will remain closed due to staff shortages. Those requiring immediate attention are asked to proceed to the Burin Peninsula Health Center or Dr. S. Beckley at Grand Bank.